08 novembre 2010

Lead Pencil, border sign

Non-Sign”, une installation créée par le studio d'architecture Lead Pencil (Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo) ; une commande gouvernementale (US) située près de Vancouver, à la frontière du Canada et des Etats-Unis. Découvrir une série de projets spectaculaires sur le site.
They noticed the way the area is packed with signs—advertising billboards, and then, closer to the border, a proliferation of government signs. Their hope is that their sign, flying by enigmatically (“What was that?”), will add a little bit of awareness to the whole signage landscape in the border zone. Just open up a free space, really. How very American. The empty rectangle frames only a view of sky as you drive by, nothing else.”
Découvert sur le site fubiz : http://www.fubiz.net/2010/11/05/billboard-installation/